Friday, December 12, 2008


We got word on Tuesday that Ebba's visa had been issued. This was at least 2 months earlier than expected, and so we have been sent into a bit of a frenzy to get flights together, rooms booked, bags packed (not yet!), etc.

I will be leaving for Ethiopia on Sunday, Dec 14, at 10 pm from Ottawa - with my good friend Andrea for moral & all other forms of support! Ian will hold down the fort with Mei Le and all my animals at home, while Mac will handle the bulk of the dairy farming so Ian can be a full-time dad.

Ebba turns one on Dec 12 (my birthday!) so I will be a bit late for the party - but hope to finally meet her in person on the 16th (when we arrive in Addis). Our near-2 yr long journey to bring home "Little Sister" is nearing its end.

I will do my best to post regular updates from Addis here, so please feel free to follow along online.

We will return to Montreal on Christmas Eve ... expecting some holiday-induced delays, but hopefully nothing too serious. After the dust of the trip and Christmas settle, we will hunker down for some serious bonding time with our new arrival - adoption hibernation! Please forgive us if we are not too social for a while after Ebba gets home - we need to ensure she settles in smoothly and starts learning who her forever family is. But I will do my best to keep everyone up to date via the blog.

All the best to you and yours this holiday season ...

Allison, Ian, Mei Le, and (finally) Ebba!


  1. Congrats again, Allison!! Wow, 4.5 months post-referral and you're travelling - and that with the court closure thrown in. Unbelievable! (If things had been like that last year, I would have been able to travel in August rather than December...)

    In case you don't know it, access to blogspot/blogger is blocked in Ethiopia, but you can post via e-mail. I forget how I did it, but if you go into the "settings" section of the blog you'll find an e-mail address you can us. It will be something like "" and you need to send your e-mail from an address your blog recognizes as yours, I think (I used my playfulplatypus e-mail address).

    All the best and hope everything goes smoothly.

    What a Christmas present!

  2. Allison, I am still in shock!!! This is so wonderful!! I'm looking forward to hearing about how the trip goes and meeting Ebba when you guys get settled!


  3. I can't wait to see a picture of her in your arms!!!

    Have a wonderful trip (as if there were any doubt!); soak up every minute and get those bags packed!!


  4. EEEEE!!!!!! What wonderful, amazing news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so excited to see Ebba, and cannot wait until the end of March when I'm home!!

    Happiest of Happy Birthdays to both you and Ebba, Aunt Allison!!! I was thinking of you both yesterday!

    Much love,

  5. Allison -- I'm so thrilled for you and I'll be checking every day! Can't wait to see pictures of you together -- whether they get posted while you're in Ethiopia or once you're back. You're so much in my thoughts!

