Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday in Addis - counting down

I am officially running out of gas.

Today we were supposed to go to the airline to confirm our flights, shop for
some textiles, and come back to the GH. Then, in the aft, those that had not
yet, would go to up Entoto (we already did that, so I was looking fwd to a
quet aft). Instead, we did it all at once. Planning for the shorter trip, I
took one bottle which, predictably, wasn't enough. Ebba seems to be
teething (chewing her fingers, a little feverish, crabby), so being hungry
was not a nice addition to the mix. Plus, she has added biting to her
arsenal of protest behaviours. Yay. I had prepared myself for baby issues
- not toddler issues, so am having to re-jig my mindset.

This am I gave her some infant Advil, which seemed to help ... and again
Andrea is doing amazing auntie duty while I write this (3 pm). We are
supposed to be going out for a "cultural evening" tonight - traditional ETH
food, dancing, etc - but I think I will beg off - I am not feeling that

On the up-side, Ebba is def attaching to me - she now pretty much refuses to
got anyone else, except Andrea (sometimes), and will come running to me if
she gets scared or wants a cuddle. But boy, does she have a temper!

Am thinking tomorrow is pretty clear - will allow me to get my last little
bits done, and start packing for the Long Trip Home. We asked for bulkhead
seats to give us a little more room ... hopefully we will manage.

Hope the weather is calming down in Mtl area ...


  1. Hang in there, all of you -- the forecast for Wednesday in Mtl is mild with a bit of snow or rain: nothing spectacular, so far at least. You will be surprised at the amount of snow we've had since you left to loll in tropical climes (Hah). A taste of home will restore your sense of humor in no time I'm sure, and the wintry chill may have a slowing effect on certain infant metabolisms. . .Love you all and waiting with bated breath for your return. As ever, Mum

  2. I remember well those last few days in Addis. It is no small feat to live out of a suitcase, perpare bottles (in a place where you can't use the water), and to take care of a busy child. Its hard and it will be better once you are home, and get into a routine. It is really great reading your blog..brings back lots of memories. Can I suggest a quiet break if you have time (may be toooo late I think it is late on Monday there), but a trip to the sheraton for the afternoon with a swim in there pool is a nice retreat for the day.

  3. I second Louise's suggestion. Either the Sheraton or the Hilton. (We went to the Hilten 2 or 3 times in our month-long stay.) Or go Tuesday if you can. The Hilton pool complex has about 3 different pools of varying depths and temperatures. One very shallow one great for babies and toddlers; two of medium depth for young children; one deeper one for grown-ups. All outdoors, all gorgeous. All great antidotes for stress and for the soon-to-come reality of snow, Snow, SNOW!!!!
