Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yes - we're still alive!

And doing fairly well, actually. Tho Ebba has had a head cold that started Mon eve and was feverish and pukey most of yesterday and all last night. Not much sleep was had - at least by the adults in the house. Thanks to the gods for acetaminophen (sp?) suppositories!

I started back at work on Monday - the curse of the self-employed: no parental leave. At least I work from home. So, Ian and I are juggling, and on the days she's here, Mei Le's babysitter oversees the girls playing (tho we change and feed Ebba). It's not ideal, but will have to do until the end of the month when my work situation improves.

My daily nap program has fallen by the wayside this week. Sigh. But am managing to continue to feel a little more normal each day. As we settle into our new routine, I find myself feeling more capable and confident about the demands of this new parenting (two kids!). So, each day our family of four evolves and solidifies.

Still haven't had a minute to download my pics from the trip to ETH - hopefully soon!

Thanks so much to all of you for your encouraging comments & emails, for sharing your experiences, and for your offers of virtual casseroles! All much appreciated - and helpful!


  1. Ah, now THIS is more like the Eryson we all know and love! Hang in there, girl, life gets better...

  2. I am so glad things are looking up. You sound way better! It only gets better from here. By the way, Ebba is beautiful!

  3. It only took me a year to download and post my Ethiopia pics... so no pressure!!! Glad things are looking up; there will be some "backsliding" on occasion but the general drift will be better, I assure you! Rest is crucial. For the first five months or so I went to bed with the kids at 8:30 or so as I was wiped out by the end of the day. (Sometimes woke up early, by 4:30 or 5:00, but if that happened I knew it was because I was rested! If I needed more sleep I would sleep longer - best way to go about it in my books.)
