Sunday, January 18, 2009

My First Real Stab at "Doing Hair"

Altho I did once re-do Ebba's bobble-y pigtails (about 12 of them) while were in ETH, since then I have left her hair au naturel. In honour of our 1-mo anniv (tho mostly bec we were all up at some ungodly hr and had lots of time on our hands), yesterday after breakfast I decided to try putting in some simple twists.

It went fairly well - Mei Le handed me the beader & snaps, and Ebba mostly co-operated.

Here are the results! A bit loose & fuzzy, but I am pleased for the first try! And if it saves on the daily comb-thru hassle for a few days, I'm all for it!


  1. You did a great Job!!! She is adorable Both your girls are beautiful:)

  2. Wow - Mei Le is gettign so BIG! What a lovely young lady. And I totally love the hair - bet that is a challenge. Hopefully any background in braiding manes and tails will come in handy...
    - Louise
