Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mei Le turned Six

Hard to believe - but Mei Le is now 6 years old. Her birthday was Feb. 19, but she had her party on the 14th - a mixed party (boys and girls), if you can believe it. A bit of a challenge for me, as I had kinda figured out the Little Girl Party thing: crafts (usually beading), food, pinata, cake, gifts, princess dress-up. Throw in a couple of boys, tho, and a few of those activities drop off the Top- Five List. So, we did a craft (decorated a wooden letter for each of their names), ate, pinata (with little dinosaurs, bugs, gender-neutral stickers, plus candy - including other than pink!), cake, gifts, dancing (!), and playtime (dress-up for girls, building blocks for boys - it just happens that way!). Everyone had fun.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Mei Le! Hope you have a great year and that the birthday party was fun! (Even if you didn't get to dress up like a princess...)
