Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I had a dream ...

I don't necessarily go in for the predictive nature of dreams, but in the interests of documenting the experience (for posterity - and just in case it turns out to be true!), on Dec 10th, 2007 I couldn't sleep - one of those nights when the mind races. Usually I am arranging furniture in my head, planning fences/stalls/whatever for my barn, or trying to prioritize the endless to-do list.

However, in the haze btw waking & sleeping, I had a strong impression of our daughter-to-be ... and that her name was Teya.

Maybe she was born that day? Who knows ... only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. well my dear... i do believe in dreams as well, but could it be even the slightest coincidence that our newly arrived child is called Teya, and that she is the cutest thing ever??? Hey, I don't know, but if it comes to be, it works for me!! Cannot wait to hear about your referral. and to see you this weekend, sk
